Iminathi was 21 and lived in a
remote, rural area in the Eastern
Cape in South Africa.
Her community has very limited access to safe drinking water and sanitation; every day is a struggle.
She decided to move to an urban area to get a job to help her family. She met a man and, having had no education about sexual and reproductive health, became pregnant.
She saw a poster on a lamppost offering cheap abortions. With no information to help her make an informed decision, she went to the ‘doctor’. The procedure was ineffective, and she gave birth later that year.
She came across a flyer for Marie Stopes and realised that she needed to raise awareness about the organisation’s mission to provide accessibility to clinics where women could have legal, safe abortions.
#safeabortion #legalabortion #mybodymychoice
How we help
Our vision is to raise awareness about accessibility to women’s healthcare facilities throughout the country for women who need safe and legal
abortion care. Let’s work together towards a future where every birth is wanted.
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